Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Confession Session: "Oh right, you're all holy..."

Last night, a coworker invited me to go see Les Mis with him and a few other people today. And instead of saying, "I don't really DO things on Sundays. I'm fine just like spending time with people, but not DOING other things." Which is how I REALLY feel. No, instead I said, "My Mom would murder me if I went out on a Sunday. Seriously? His reply, "Oh right, you're all holy and stuff." And this is a person that grew up in the church and things-- he just doesn't go to church anymore, which is fine. Everyone has their own worship preferences. He had just forgotten that people are still "all holy and stuff" and don't go out on Sundays. This conversation got me pondering on my "holiness". 

Like I've mentioned a few times lately, I haven't been quite as spiritual as I would prefer. And I really need to REFOCUS my efforts and get myself back on track with my future hopes and dreams. Not that I COULDN'T make them happen right now, but, I could be doing so much better. On our Sacrament meeting program, there is always a quote. And we all know how much I love quotes. This weeks was INSANELY relevant to my sitch. 

        "Let us simplify our lives a little. Let us make the changes necessary to refocus our lives on the sublime beauty of the simple, humble path of Christian discipleship-- the path that leads always toward a life of meaning, gladness, and peace."

                         -Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Of things that matter most",                                        .                         General Conference, October 2010

Right? Right? It's time, guys. I gotta just get a grip on my life again. Because this is my LIFE. The Gospel is my life. It's part of every little facet of my life, and I haven't been treating it as such. 

So here's to a New Year, New Beginnings, New Chances, this year and in all the years to come. 

Have a lovely Sunday! 

      Reille K. 


  1. preach sisser.
    I've been pondering on the same thing for a while, and that quote is boss.
    This was awesome, thank yoooou!


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