Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Heeeeeeere it is! 2013 Room Facelift. :D

So, I'm almost positive that all of you are friends with me on facebook... but just in case you aren't or even just didn't see it... I posted a status a couple days ago (Sunday night, I believe) saying I was prepping for my annual New Year's room facelift. And I know my sister and my bestie for two wanted lots and lots of pictures. Therefore, here they be. :)

Here are some (blurry) panorama's of the before. You can see basically my entire room in these... kind of. 

Here are all the before's of individual things. I cleaned my ENTIRE room today. And I found all my cozy socks! Hallelujah chorus', guys. Anyway...
 You can see that I just had a little baby spot of quotes on my wall to begin with. And my desk is crazy. 

 My dresser is ALSO very MESSY. (You'll probably notice the theme...)

 The floor next to my bed is generally super messy too, because I'm too lazy to get up and put something away, or it just seems like a good spot that on the floor but out of the pathway (which isn't really true).

 My Christmas tree! It's orbs of adorbs, right? It's four feet tall. If you follow me on Insta, you already saw it. :) But, this little baby is part of my inspiration for another project you'll see later on in this post. 

Soooo, my room was really messy. But, it's chill, because I totally cleaned it! 


 My Christmas tree got put away today too. Cleaned! 

See? My room is clean! (Don't try to tell me it isn't because I didn't make my bed. I never do that, I find it pointless, because I'm just going to sleep in it again... so what's the point...?)

 My desk is so nice and orderly! :D

I had a picture of my clean dresser too... but somehow it's not there. So you'll just have to see it in the picture of my whole room... 



First project: Lighting. 

Once upon a time, I really love the ambiance my Christmas tree created. It was bright enough for me to still be able to read while laying in bed, but not so bright as my lamp that it didn't allow my body to start falling asleep. I also saw on Pinterest that people hung Christmas lights above their bed/around it/ etc. Soooo...



This also helps me with my bucket list, because I want to do 30 things I find on pinterest, or pinterest inspired projects. Here's one! :)

Second project: Quotes. 

I originally just had quotes kind of immediately around my mirror.


But, I added A LOT. 

 Above my closet...

 Above my door, and connecting the existing ones to it so it all flows. 

And over by my door! I feel like this much is about as much as I can do... but we'll see if it grows again. And there's always changing the quotes too! 

I did some panorama's of this too, so you can see it all together. I took two from different angles, because you couldn't really see the ENTIRE thing in the first one... but the second one is worse quality... so... you get both. :)

Tada! Isn't it just lovely? I'm really happy with how all my projects turned out. It DID take the majority of my day, but that was mostly cleaning. Since my room was AWFUL. Oh, if you cared to know, I did all of this whilst listening to the gorgeous voice of the ginger Brit, Ed Sheeran. He's great! And I think tomorrow I'm going to tackle cleaning my bathroom... but we'll see. I won't blog about that though, it's much more boring and slightly more weird... 

    Reille K. 

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