Holyyyy buckets, you guys. This week has been absolutely NUTS.
First, Guppy was born. And he is darn cute.
Second, we started doing draws this week. Oh my goodness.
See, if you've been here for a while, you know that I'm the type of person that most things just come naturally to. Or at least, I get it good enough on the first try to deem it acceptable. I guess you could just say that I set very high standards for myself. Because, I do.
This week, that was tested REAL HARD. Wednesday was our first night with an actual needle that we were poking into an actual person. We get to practice on our classmates first. Good times. I struggled reals bad. It probably wasn't HORRIBLE, but for me, I basically just failed that night. I don't know what my deal was. I was so excited, why wasn't I getting this? And it didn't help that when it wasn't perfect, I would just panic and lose my cool. It was ROUGH.
I realized then, that I had not prayed about this class at all. I knew it was the right thing for me to do, but I hadn't asked for help with any of it. I was a wreck. I sat down and poured it all out to the Lord and I felt better after that. Then I made sure to say a little prayer("I say a little prayer for youuuu." Anyone?) before I went into class on Thursday and OH MY HEAVENS, the difference it made was incredible. I passed the test that we took that day, that most of the class didn't (that alone is a miracle). And I had one goal, to get a successful AC (or your general draw from your "elbow crease" for you un-medical-y peeps) that night. That was all I cared about. The girl I was partners with had awful hand veins, and only one good AC vein. I tried a butterfly on her hand that was unsuccessful, but I didn't panic, which was a HUGE improvement. And I was able to try and redirect and everything. It didn't do anything, but it was great because I was able to learn from the experience still and it wasn't dreadful like the ones the previous night.
It was SUUCH a better night, because I had asked for help. I've always known that the help is there, but I rarely remember to utilize it. I struggle with the whole prayer thing. I know he's there, I just don't do it enough. It's something I've always had to work on, and something I will probably always have to work on. But one thing's for sure, I definitely gained a better testimony of prayer this week, and I stuck a bunch of people with needles! All in all, GREAT week. Stressful, but great. :)
Thanks for stopping by! Have a good weekend, everyone!
Reille K.
my best friends wedding!! holllla back:) best movie, evas!! but, rei! i'm so proud of you, seriously!! i love that you're doing this & LOVING it!! xoxoxo