Friday, November 20, 2015

friday night.

Homies. It's Friday night, I went to dinner with my parents. Had a really awkward experience that I wish I could scrub off of my skin. And now I'm sitting here, in my bra and underwear, typing to you. I couldn't wait to get home and take off my clothes. That's one thing I didn't realize I would miss, moving back home. The luxury of not having to wear clothes. I was never wearing clothes when I was moved out! It was awesome! My future husband will probably really like this about me. My dislike of wearing clothes. Maybe we'll have Naked Thursday or something! ;) (but really, pants are prison. #nopantsdance)

I don't really have much to say, I just wanted to say hello. Also, I BOUGHT MYSELF A BED. A queen size bed. That is all for me. And maybe Fritz (my dog), but I probably won't invite him to my lair still. Maybe just on the weekends. I'm so freaking STOKED for it. I ordered it on the internet, so I have to wait for it to ship and all that, but YOU GUYS. I'm adult enough that I bought my own bed. How did this happen? This new purchase is prompting a redecorate of my bedroom, by the way, so I'll likely put pictures of that somewhere... because I'm also going to buy a HEADBOARD to go with my new bed that I can put twinkle lights on. And obviously I need a new quilt for my new size of bed. And I've got my eye on a new desk. And I have plans to make a new chair to go with this new desk. One that I can sit on with my legs criss cross apple-sauced. I am so stoked!

I've also decided to make a gallery wall of art in our guest bedroom. So I might take one or two of the larger pieces from my room to incorporate there too. My art needs a makeover. Hardcore. Whether it is made by me, or purchased. If you have any suggestions of Etsy shops or things that I can make, send me the link! Or tell me how to get to this place.

Anyway, I'm going to go. Lay on my bed with no clothes on. And Introvert. And dream of my new bed. It's going to be stellar. Happy Friday, y'all! (I'm watching The Voice, and I LOVE so many of them! I'm really not into Country music, but I really like Zach Seabaugh. He needs to stop converting me to country. It's unacceptable. I don't recognize myself anymore! ;))

     Reille K. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

why I write.

This was originally another page on my blog, but I've decided that it's more post-y type material. So, here we are...

People have different reasons to write. And here's mine.

That's one reason. Writing it all out and just letting the words flow from my fingertips helps me sort it all out. And by "it all", I mean all the thoughts that float around in my head at a constant, fast-paced rate. I feel like when I SAY what I think, my mouth gets left behind while my thoughts race ahead and then I stumble over things. But somehow, when I write, that doesn't happen.
I also write because this is a way that I express myself. My thoughts, my feelings, my opinions. It's my little slice of home on the Internet. More so than any profile or whatnot on any social media website, because this is ALL ME. What you see here, is basically what you get in real life. And that's important to me. I don't filter what I write about because so-and-so might see it and be offended. Or someone that doesn't even exist in my life yet won't like it. I write FOR ME, and if you want to read it, great! Thank you so much for caring what I have to say and offer the world. If you don't like it, I'm not forcing you to be here. And that's fine.
I feel like my blog has been an essential tool in my process of "growing up". And it's definitely been a process. It's helped me to realize that I DO have things to say. And that I shouldn't tuck them away and not tell anyone what I really, truly think and feel.
Of course, I still get that clinchy, "Ooh, should I post this one?", feeling for a good amount of my posts. But when I get that feeling, I think those end up being the posts that I'm most proud of. It's still hard to put my feelings on display for potentially ANYONE with the internet to see, but, I mean, free speech and all that jazz.
And that. I've always had a hard time loving myself. I was always the "fat girl" or the "really smart girl" or "the best friend" or whatever other label has ever been stuck on me in my life. Not that those are all negative, but I always let those labels define me. And writing has helped me to shed those labels, and become more comfortable in my own skin. It's helped me to feel a sense of community, however small, on the internet and realize that I'm not alone. That people care what I have to say. And they like it because with each post, they get a little window into who I really am. People can FEEL that I'm telling them exactly how I feel, exactly what I think. There's no holding back on here. And it's nice to have a place where I can do that, and that it isn't some little journal that, chances are, no one will ever see. I "watered myself down to please people" for far too long, and I was MISERABLE. But, since shedding that persona and writing it out, I HAVE found a love for myself that wasn't there before, and I've discovered who I am.
I write because that's just who I am now. And I kind of like that person.
As always,

how to be a sick person, according to me.

Hi friends!

This week, I was sick for a couple of days and had to stay home from work. Which, is something that I've had to learn how to do in recent years. But, I thought I would write a little post about it.

I have five tips for sickness for you. And honestly, they may be more to remind myself to do these things the next time I'm sick than anything else. So, take it or leave it.

  • DRUGS. Figure out as quickly as possible what kind of drugs are going to suit you and your sickness best. And always try the ones that your mom suggests first. Vomiting up cough syrup is not something I want to ever do again in my lifetime... It's going to help with a speedy recovery. At least, it did with the variety of death that I somehow contracted this week.
  • Try to find someone else to make your necessities run. I made the mistake of going to Winco for myself before I had figured out my drug situation and was in delirious pain. I also made the mistake of choosing a hand basket, not a cart, so I was panting my way around Winco, just trying to get some dang Gatorade. I looked like death because I also had a fever but, really, I was in no state to have even put real clothes on. I should have called someone for help.
  • DRINK and EAT THINGS. I personally like to get Gatorade or PowerAde if you have had a fever. They help restore all those electrolytes you just sweated out with your fever. And they taste pretty good. If it's more of a stomach thing, Sprite or 7 Up is swell for helping calm things down. As far as food goes... that depends on your sickness. If it's like, a cold, then SOUP. If it's something stomach-y, then try to find something that's not going to hurt on it's way back up. My personal favorites for this are Double Noodle Soup, Saltines, and Fruit Snacks.
  • HEAT. My heated blanket was a lifesaver. I would also consider turning up the thermostat just like, 2 degrees. When you have a fever, your body is definitely going to like being too hot more than being chitter-chattering from being cold.
  • Baths. I took like three "baths" on Tuesday. Because it was the only place that my body was not in constant pain (because of the heat and the buoyancy). And by bath, I mean I just lied there in the hottest water I could get for like, an hour. And as the bath slowly started draining/getting cold, I added more hot water. But, they were great.

So there you have it. I'm not really sure what sickness I had? It was kind of flu-y, but not? I woke up and it hurt to touch my skin and I was all body aches and pain and fever. I spent much of Tuesday in bed trying to sleep but mostly just writhing in pain. It was actually probably the worst day of at least this year, if not like, the past 5 years. And then Wednesday the more traditional cold type things like coughing and stuff came. But, I'm fine now. Mostly. My lungs had some residual issues for a couple of days, but so far today, they are okay. Anyway.

All the Love.
     Reille K. :)