Don't get me wrong, resolutions are great, and cheers to you if you actually make them. Because, let's be real, you have to reflect and realize what your weaknesses are, in order to make resolutions. And that in and of itself is a very healthy exercise, in my opinion. Deciding what it is that you need to do to improve those weaknesses, and change them to strengths, make yourself a better you, that is also very healthy, in my opinion. Trying to tackle all of these problems all at the same time and solve every single mystery of why you are the way you are, and do things the way you do them., all at the same time... that feels like it may not be the healthiest choice. In my opinion. ;) It could also be why no one ever keeps their New Years Resolutions. Just a thought.
My dad and I were discussing resolutions the other day, and he said, "Why are we basing our desire to change and improve on the Roman calendar so much?" And it's totally true! Every day is the start of a new year, if we're going to get a bit philosophical (and I am). Every DAY, every WEEK, every MONTH is a fresh start, a chance to turn over a new leaf. We don't have to wait for New Years to have resolutions to improve ourselves. We can literally start any day and have a chance at a fresh start, a new beginning. Clean slate. Blank canvas.
Along with the timing of resolutions, I also think that a year is a really loooooong time. Like I said before, I bet the resolutions I made at the beginning of last year wouldn't even apply to me anymore. Along with my inability to something every single day for a whole year probably... I think that year long goals (apart from the super general types, like "Be healthier" or "Be more giving", etc.) are just... To big a chunk of time. And also, how daunting?! It freaks people out, I think. And that's part of why we lazy humans have a hard time keeping our New Years resolutions. So here is the solution I came up with for myself...
Try setting goals for a week. Two weeks. A month. Sometimes, you may have the same goal for weeks at a time. But, each week that you accomplish one more week of it, it's not just another tick mark towards your end goal, it's the shiny star sticker at the end! And I don't know about you. But when I accomplish something, it pumps me up! Giving me more energy and motivation for the next goal/project/week. You already have that sense of accomplishment there, so if you mess up one week and fall off the wagon, the whole thing isn't shot. Just the one week. Also, you'll feel better equipped, I think, to tackle the task ahead of you.
This year, I'm not making a list of resolutions. I'm making a single resolution, kind of, that is really going to be more of a mantra. "Be a better Me." I'm going to try to make weekly goals. And maybe I will have some of the same goals for weeks at a time, maybe they will change every time. But, I feel like I can totally do something really hard for a week. I can probably do it for two. And then 3. And so on and so forth. Also, this way I can see what my life looks like at that moment, and decide if I need to improve in one area over another and really focus in on specific things. Also, I think it will help cultivate that spark of change and hope in me a bit more. And it seems like it will fit me better to be more specific and focused with my goals. And it will be great.
Good luck with all your goals and resolutions, friends!
Reille K. :)
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