Sunday, February 24, 2013


My talk is over. I've been told it went well. In my book, all I really care about is that it WENT and that it is DONE. But thanks.:)

I start Instocks tomorrow. Eeeee. Hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep quickly tonight and not let myself get carried away watching a movie or YouTube or anything else.

I finally got everything figured out on my new computer... I got a new to me computer guys! Ha, I don't know that I ever said anything to you. My aunt gave me her computer because she wants to be more mobile and she thinks I'll get better use out of it (most likely true). I think I lost a little music in the process, but I got most of my library transferred. It was QUITE the process. I just don't have the patience to figure out computer STUFF. I guess I still have to finish figuring out my pictures and stuff... but that'll be easy peasy, I think.  

Also, if any of you want to read my talk, since I'm one of those people who writes it all out and such, let me know in the comments with your email address and I'll email it to you. :)

Well, it's only 5:20pm and I'm exhausted. Which is a good sign. Until next time! :)

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