I have been struggling to write a post this week. I've started at least two and discarded them because I couldn't get any of them right. But, I think I've got it this time. I'm sure I've talked about it before, but this is my blog and I do what I want. :)
I just want to write about how much I just love the Single's Ward. It has recently been said to me, "You've been there for 8 months and you aren't married yet?!" And I replied with, "What? You don't go to the Single's Ward to get married, you go there so you are with people that are in the same place as you are spiritually." I mean, am I right?
I didn't go to the Single's Ward expecting much. I went because I finally recognized that my spiritual fire was running on the small embers of a dying flame. I wasn't progressing in Nursery. I was still faithful and went to church every week, was worthy to partake of the Sacrament every Sunday, but, I wasn't anywhere NEAR where I needed to be to get anywhere in life. I needed to change something, and I already knew I wasn't going to get what I needed from my home ward; no matter how wonderful all the women in that ward were. I could feel that I wasn't meant to be there anymore, and I think the Bishop could feel that too. Since they released me the same Sunday that I had dubbed as my last in that ward. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and I had always been apprehensive of the Single's Ward. It freaked me out for some reason that I don't even remember. But it was one of those situations where I was in the dark and I knew that if I took one step forward with faith, God would light my path. It seems almost silly that that principle applied in my choice to change wards. Because, either way, the Gospel is there. But, it's different. The atmosphere is different, and the people are different.
It wasn't until my second Sunday in the Single's ward that I knew I had made the right choice. A member of the Bishopric said that I was here right now, because I had a purpose in this ward and I don't think he will EVER know just how much that seemingly simple phrase means to me even still.
There is not a Sunday that goes by without me feeling an outpouring of the Spirit. And at this time in my life, I need that more than I could ever say. It's absolutely amazing. I was thinking today about where I was when I first came to the Single's ward. And I can hardly believe that I was there. I was in such a... stagnant place. And after the things I had gone through to get into a better place, I was disappointed that I had become complacent. Again. But the Single's ward has changed that. I am being challenged because I have a calling that isn't easy. And I am being challenged because it's expected to be a smidge social and I have to talk to people that I normally wouldn't. And there are so many perspectives and insights being shared all the time that I am amazed every time I turn around. I have found amazing friends in this ward that I would have been gutted had I not met.
Guys, more than anything, I wanted to tell you that this Gospel is true. And every day it's becoming more and more evident to me. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without it. Even just the thought makes me shudder. I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned and for the trials and challenges that I have gone through because they are so integral to who I am as a person today. And most of all, I love that this Gospel gives me something to believe in. Something to work towards. A path to follow. Because otherwise, I would be lost. And lost is not a very pleasant place to be.
I hope you all had an uplifting Sunday and that you all have a fantastic week.
Reille K. :)
Thoughts and emotions get a little jumbled when they stay in my brain. This is where I put them for the oxidation process.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
"She will do great things."

How fitting that my 200th post is about her! I think I'm starting a trend, of my hundred milestone posts being about some of my favorite humans in the world.
Package Deal, Trek Sister, Temple Buddy, Danielle, and now Sister Chapman. How lucky am I to have such an amazing friend in my life as this girl? She has been so influential to me over the years, in SO many ways. She let me hang out with her group in 9th grade PE when I had no one else. They gave me rides to school when I had a falling out with my other ride. She always reminded me that the temple is where we need to go when we're feeling down or crazy things are going on in our life. She has blessed my life in so many ways that she probably never even realized. This girl has been my Saving Angel for the past five years, and I don't know what I'm going to do without her here for 18 whole months.
I am SO proud of her and I know that she is going to be AMAZING as a missionary. Her farewell talk? It was a FOUR tissue talk! I was falling apart, you guys! She has always been such a good influence to me and I am so thankful for that. I love this girl to pieces and I'm going to miss her a lot. But, I know she's going for all the right reasons, and I know that this is EXACTLY where she needs to be.
She said in her talk that if you didn't remember anything else she said, then remember this, "The Atonement is real. It can bring anyone back, no matter how far you've traveled." And it's true! I've experienced that in my own life. And it's an amazing feeling.
I've always had Danielle in my life, we grew up together. And it's only been pretty recently that I've realized how much she has done for me. I can't say enough good and wonderful things about this girl!
The last thing I want to share with you guys today, are the words to the opening hymn we sang. I fell apart when we were singing this and couldn't even finish.
Each Life That Touches Ours for Good #293
"Each life that touches our for good, Reflects this own great mercy, Lord; thou sendest blessings from above, Thru words and deeds of those who love.
What greater gift dost thou bestow, What greater goodness can we know. Than Christ-like friends, whose gentle ways Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
When such a friend from us departs, We hold forever in our hearts. A sweet and hallowed memory, Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
For worthy friends whose lives proclaim Devotion to the Savior's name, Who bless our days with peace and love, We praise thy goodness, Lord, above."
Today was a beautiful day. And I just love that girl. Seriously, guys, she is AMAZING. Those people in D.C. are some lucky, lucky humans.
I hope you all had as great of a Sunday as I did, and I hope everyone has a good week!
Reille K.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Whatcha doin'?
I saw this on Carlee's blog and I thought, "Hey, what a nice, easy post to do for my first post back!" Also, I do apologise for my lack of blogging recently. I took a bit of a hiatus because there was just TOO MUCH going on in my life and I needed a bit of "me time" in all of the little tentacles of my life. So, here it is. :)
Making // I SHOULD be making two different mosaics and receiving blankets. But alas, I have not even started on them. You know me, always a procrastinator no matter how hard I try not to be.
Cooking // I've been too lazy to cook lately... I was on a stay-cation last week and we literally ate at home ONE time. ONE.
Drinking // At this second, I have water in my cup. But, I've really been diggin' juice lately. Since I still don't really drink Mountain Dew/Soda.
Reading // The Mortal Instruments. Again. I'm at the end of book three. And no, I haven't seen the movie. I don't want to see the actors when I re-read. Is that weird? Probably. Okay, yes, it's weird.
Wanting // Something to happen. Like, I've really been wanting to go on dates lately. Which, is not something that I usually want. I generally think, "Ooh, I want a boyfriend, but I don't want to have to go on dates to get one, because those are awkward." But, that has not been the case lately.
Looking // "For love in a hopeless place!" Just kidding. I'm actually looking for Phlebotomy jobs. (I KNOW, right?!) I've finally come to terms with it, I think. Well, enough that I am confident enough to start looking for a new job, eh?
Playing // Nothing. I got back into Candy Crush for three days and then promptly deleted it again. Games are stupid.
Wasting // All my time. All the time. Just kidding, I only waste a little time. I've gotten my room almost all the way done from my re-decorating. Yay!
Sewing // Not a single stitch. I AM however, waiting for my grandma to finish sewing the binding on my new quilt. Eeee!
Wishing // That I could see my bestie. Sir, I miss you. Email me back?
Enjoying // The fall weather and pumpkin smelling things. Which, is new for me. I never really liked pumpkin before.
Waiting // "on the world to change." Wow, I need to stop referencing songs. I'm waiting for the new J.K. Rowling movies. And the new season of Grey's (I can't WAIT) aaaand... that's all.
Liking // All the new clothes I've bought recently. Seriously, guys, I can't control myself.
Wondering // What the heck is wrong with my car! Nothing too serious, but my fan isn't blowing. Stupid thing. At least it's the time of year that I can live with it for a bit. I'm also just a little too lazy to take it to the shop... :)
Loving // My family. A lot. Last week was the first time, I think, EVER that we have ALL been together without anyone missing. And it was fantastic. I just love them a lot. And they're the best. Hoping // I don't have to pay a million dollars to get my car fixed.
Marvelling // At how blessed I am. It's a constant marvel of mine, because I don't hold up my end of the stick NEARLY as much as I need to. Guys, God is great.
Needing // New undershirts. Ha! Seriously though.
Smelling // My Pumpkin Cheesecake candle from Target. Seriously, so yummy.
Wearing // My leggings that I scored from Kohl's for $4 and a chiffon button up shirt that's white with grey polka dots. Because it's cute enough that I could leave the house in it, but comfy enough that I've been sitting here on the computer since I got home from work.
Following // people on Instagram again! I don't know that you all knew, I deleted my insta and twitter. But, I came back to insta this last Wednesday. Not twitter though.
Noticing // That people are so dang nice. And that I can be social (sort of). And how different I am than other people.
Knowing // That I'm not dating anyone because the time is not right. Because I'm not the person I need to be yet. That I need to focus on being the right ME instead of finding the right person, so I can BE the right person for MY right person. (I had an epiphany the other day during the sacrament. :) )
Thinking // That I'm forgetting to do something... I've had that feeling all week.
Feeling // Like I have things to say again. And that feels good. :)
Bookmarking // Mmm... I'm not sure that I'm really bookmarking anything these days.
Opening // myself up a little bit more. Trying not to be so... well, closed. And intimidating. Oy.
Giggling // At Duck Dynasty. Seriously, it's so funny!
Feeling // Happy that he talked to me today and it wasn't weird. Happy that people appreciate how clean my Target is (I asked a guest if I could help her today and her reply was, "Your store is so clean and nice and spacious! I love it!" and I was a little taken aback and just said, "Oh, thank you!" and she said, "NO, thank YOU." It was honestly the BEST moment of my entire day). Sad that Jessica is in Europe because I miss her. And work is boring without her. Like a grown up. And that's weird.
Anyway, that's all for today. It's good to be back. :)
Wanna join in on this? Please do. Leave a comment & let me know so I can read yours :)
Reille K.
Making // I SHOULD be making two different mosaics and receiving blankets. But alas, I have not even started on them. You know me, always a procrastinator no matter how hard I try not to be.
Cooking // I've been too lazy to cook lately... I was on a stay-cation last week and we literally ate at home ONE time. ONE.
Drinking // At this second, I have water in my cup. But, I've really been diggin' juice lately. Since I still don't really drink Mountain Dew/Soda.
Reading // The Mortal Instruments. Again. I'm at the end of book three. And no, I haven't seen the movie. I don't want to see the actors when I re-read. Is that weird? Probably. Okay, yes, it's weird.
Wanting // Something to happen. Like, I've really been wanting to go on dates lately. Which, is not something that I usually want. I generally think, "Ooh, I want a boyfriend, but I don't want to have to go on dates to get one, because those are awkward." But, that has not been the case lately.
Looking // "For love in a hopeless place!" Just kidding. I'm actually looking for Phlebotomy jobs. (I KNOW, right?!) I've finally come to terms with it, I think. Well, enough that I am confident enough to start looking for a new job, eh?
Playing // Nothing. I got back into Candy Crush for three days and then promptly deleted it again. Games are stupid.
Wasting // All my time. All the time. Just kidding, I only waste a little time. I've gotten my room almost all the way done from my re-decorating. Yay!
Sewing // Not a single stitch. I AM however, waiting for my grandma to finish sewing the binding on my new quilt. Eeee!
Wishing // That I could see my bestie. Sir, I miss you. Email me back?
Enjoying // The fall weather and pumpkin smelling things. Which, is new for me. I never really liked pumpkin before.
Waiting // "on the world to change." Wow, I need to stop referencing songs. I'm waiting for the new J.K. Rowling movies. And the new season of Grey's (I can't WAIT) aaaand... that's all.
Liking // All the new clothes I've bought recently. Seriously, guys, I can't control myself.
Wondering // What the heck is wrong with my car! Nothing too serious, but my fan isn't blowing. Stupid thing. At least it's the time of year that I can live with it for a bit. I'm also just a little too lazy to take it to the shop... :)
Loving // My family. A lot. Last week was the first time, I think, EVER that we have ALL been together without anyone missing. And it was fantastic. I just love them a lot. And they're the best. Hoping // I don't have to pay a million dollars to get my car fixed.
Marvelling // At how blessed I am. It's a constant marvel of mine, because I don't hold up my end of the stick NEARLY as much as I need to. Guys, God is great.
Needing // New undershirts. Ha! Seriously though.
Smelling // My Pumpkin Cheesecake candle from Target. Seriously, so yummy.
Wearing // My leggings that I scored from Kohl's for $4 and a chiffon button up shirt that's white with grey polka dots. Because it's cute enough that I could leave the house in it, but comfy enough that I've been sitting here on the computer since I got home from work.
Following // people on Instagram again! I don't know that you all knew, I deleted my insta and twitter. But, I came back to insta this last Wednesday. Not twitter though.
Noticing // That people are so dang nice. And that I can be social (sort of). And how different I am than other people.
Knowing // That I'm not dating anyone because the time is not right. Because I'm not the person I need to be yet. That I need to focus on being the right ME instead of finding the right person, so I can BE the right person for MY right person. (I had an epiphany the other day during the sacrament. :) )
Thinking // That I'm forgetting to do something... I've had that feeling all week.
Feeling // Like I have things to say again. And that feels good. :)
Bookmarking // Mmm... I'm not sure that I'm really bookmarking anything these days.
Opening // myself up a little bit more. Trying not to be so... well, closed. And intimidating. Oy.
Giggling // At Duck Dynasty. Seriously, it's so funny!
Feeling // Happy that he talked to me today and it wasn't weird. Happy that people appreciate how clean my Target is (I asked a guest if I could help her today and her reply was, "Your store is so clean and nice and spacious! I love it!" and I was a little taken aback and just said, "Oh, thank you!" and she said, "NO, thank YOU." It was honestly the BEST moment of my entire day). Sad that Jessica is in Europe because I miss her. And work is boring without her. Like a grown up. And that's weird.
Anyway, that's all for today. It's good to be back. :)
Wanna join in on this? Please do. Leave a comment & let me know so I can read yours :)
Reille K.
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